Caterina is juggling projects and advisory to multiple entities at one time. Caterina is a senior blockchain consultant to AlmavivA, blockchain consultant & crypto advisor to Clash & Go, blockchain consultant & crypto advisor to HyperionX, advisor to Swachhcoin, a community manager to Yookye, and ambassador to Indicoin. Additionally, Caterina is the originator of “Blockchain Ladies,” a worldwide network that brings together all women working in the field and those who support this new disruptive technology. Caterina was also a presenter at TEDxNapoli in 2017, providing a lecture titled “Chains.” Forbes ranked her 23rd among the 100 founders in Europe to follow on social media in 2018. Fintech4Good named her one of the Top 100 Fintech for SDG Influencers in 2019. Wirex and The Fintech Times included her in their “Rise of Women in Crypto Power List” 2020.