Cynthia is the Founder and Chief Scientist at Jibo, a consumer and social robotics business that she founded. Cynthia is also M.I.T.’s Media Lab Associate Director in charge of strategic projects and has worked with Media Labs for over twenty years. At M.I.T., Cynthia is also the director of M.I.T.’s Initiative on Responsible A.I. for Social Empowerment and Education. Cynthia is considered a pioneer in social robotics and human-robot interface developing personalized A.I. systems that encourage human wellbeing and personal growth. Cynthia’s work blends technological innovation in A.I., UX design, and understanding the psychology of engagement. Cynthia’s latest research focuses on “living with A.I.” and the long-term implications of social robots that can form connections and give tailored support as applicable, valuable companions in everyday life. In addition, her research group is looking into how social robots can be utilized in education, pediatrics, health and wellness, and aging.